actually i purposely do so,
because i wanted to know, the 1st expression of mine when i make any changes thing on my hair..
as i remember, i was totally upset with the outcome..
just like what i feel now...
link to previous post
whenever i cut a hair..
i will not face the mirror..
even if i face.. it will also be less than 10sec
if I've straighten, or done something permanent on it [i don't know wanna how to describe it]
i always choose to done it at long holiday..
just for me to adapt with my hair before i show it to other..
just like the hair in above link..
i think i use a lot of times to adapt to it..
before i started to blog and praise on my own hairstyle [==]
this time different..
i only have less than 2 days time,
before the school start..
maybe i should start combing hair to make it straight back
(but money will be wasted)
maybe in a days or two.. i can adapt with it...
cut the crap and picture will be shown
new hair-style
[lazy to upload since i already loaded it at facebook]
the second semester had started and this week will be the forth week..
and the mid term test will be around the corner..
with tones of assignment to settle
and studies to cope with..
i think that..
i should start studying..
this is the toughest semester..
till now, i don't understand anything that had been teach except for math
another 5 subjects...
i have to start study the book before the book study me...
oh yah!!
today is quite a special days..
two of my classmate birthdays..
although just get to know them for less than 3month
[minus all the sem break, holidays and time we started really became closer]
it feels like we have know each other for so long..
really feel like this..
all of you have became part of my life
and no longer a stranger in my life..
this semester passed so quick since that we only study for 4days a week
Happy Birthday Elson
Happy Birthday ZhuoZhuo
may god bless two of you..
(i wanted to continue blog but the mosquito attacked distract me)
and happy incoming birthday to others
and happy belated birthday to previous friends that just celebrate their bday
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