
Monday, June 8, 2009


sometimes i felt that what other people said is quite direct and it is hurt..
maybe the point of view of everyone is different, so that's what i feel so...
for example, pointing out people mistake in directly when people trying to said something...
for me, i wont do so if the person said some phrase wrong or what..
you can said, if we dint point out what the mistake the person make, the person will never grown!!!
actually i considered the situation where the person make or talk something stupid is me.. when I'm trying to express something in my mind until a 'high level' where i cant even know what the hell I'm trying to talk about.. and there's another friend of your trying to point out the mistake you make when you talk..

you:'bla bla bla..(talking crap)'
friend:'(cut into your conversation and pointing out your mistake)'

do you get what im trying to say here?

I'm not said it is not OK to point out... but respect the human also.. i know you have your point or clever... not everyone is born like that... whenever the 'high' or extreme part came when i was talking and you put a sudden bomb... it will hurt the feelings and mood to talk...
'OK then let you talk instead?'

or believing?
is also need a respect also.. just like you have a phone problem.. i do have some experience in dealing with problematic phone (well just identify what is the problem)
OK, i will give you suggestion on whats wrong with your phone and the cost of repairing it..
is up to you to believe it or not, don't argue this matter in spot with me.. you already have what's the idea on what is the problem of your stupid phone.. then what for you seek help from me? i just express out my opinion only.. you don't believe it can you pretend to believe it also? is it hard??
i said it might be software problem and you keep saying the problem is the phone's LCD spoiled..
OK, how the hell you know the LCD if spoiled? even my ex phone technician need to check overall of the phone bodies before confirming what is the problem of the phone...
zz!! and your eyes is so powerful can see through the bodies of phone?(you think you are terminator mea)
you dint believe is your problems, but just respect what other people trying to tell you, it might be wrong.. but this is an opinion from experiences, you think it is don't to lied you bout what the heck is wrong with you phones? is none of my business also..

all i wanted to said is express my opinion only!!! is it wrong?
am i seem not trustable?
just like last time...
most of my friends did this to me..
this is no longer an example of situation.. it is base on a true story..
a friend of mine asking me a question, and i gave her the answer..
she seems not believing my answer and ask again another person.. the answer are totally the same of mine... and she believe my other friends without asking other people again or teacher..
this make me a bit pissed off on spot, and it make me a bit selfish to teach other people things.. is not the matter i selfish or what.. is like whatever things that i said seems not trustable? you need to find other people to reconfirm my answer? then why dont you just straightly ask the clever one...why me? you wanted to test me whether i know or what?

respect people..
if you dont believe the person, don't ask them in first spot...

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